Unleash the maximum potential of your laboratory

UniLIMS goes beyond generic modules, offering solutions to accurately and effectively tackle your business’s specific challenges.

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About us

Unicorp: Vocation for Technology

At Unicorp, we combine our extensive expertise in LIMS with nearly three decades of experience in Laboratory Automation and Management.
Since 1996, we have been committed to deeply understanding the industry's needs and developing effective solutions to tackle our clients' most complex challenges.

Ready to revolutionize the management of your laboratory?

Take the next step toward optimizing your laboratory.
Discover how Unicorp's innovative LIMS solutions can transform your processes. Contact us today and begin your journey toward laboratory excellence.

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What our customers say about us.

The implementation of UniLIMS by UNICORP at DESO's central laboratory was a technological leap that brought increased productivity, data reliability, and process traceability. As a result, UniLIMS is assisting in the steps toward the laboratory's accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025.

Douglas da Cruz Santos, DESO
Aracaju, SE

O UniLIMS é a evolução de um sistema de banco de dados, ao invés de um bando de dados!

Márcio Luiz Rocha de Paula Fernandes, SABESP
São Paulo, BR

A implantação do UniLIMS da UNICORP em nosso laboratório contribuiu para aumento de produtividade, garantir confiabilidade na inserção automática de dados parciais e fornecer rastreabilidade de todas as fases do processo; ou seja, em total conformidade com os requisitos da NBR ISO IEC 17025.

Terezinha de Lurdes Loss,
ArcelorMittal Tubarão
Serra, ES

O UniLIMS permitiu o controle e rastreabilidade das informações que precisávamos no Laboratório, proporcionando um melhor gerenciamento dos resultados analíticos e favorecendo a tomada de decisão.
Mostra-se como um forte instrumento para a implantação dos requisitos da ISO-IEC 17025.

Elza de Abreu Costa, Cesan
Vitória, ES


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We are here to answer your questions and provide the best LIMS solutions for your business.